EXPERIENCE.It's a journey that one covers as the life passes by.But saying that it's a mere journey is just plain out ridiculous.There's a lot more to it. As far as I know about experience,it teaches you a lot.Experience brings one of the most important elements of life which affects your character development the most.WISDOM.The more experienced you are,the wiser you become. But why are we talking about this?What's the point? Because acquiring wisdom in teenage years is somewhat difficult.Because let's face it.How many of you actually do something that's considered wise.We're teenagers.We are discovering our identity in this age.We're bound to do something stupid in this age.It's the age where hormones are at peak and stupidity at its zenith. But nevertheless becoming wise in this age is not impossible and the most important step in doing so is listening to people who've been in your shoes.People who are experienced.Who have seen what happens to...